What’s happening Madera?

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  • Older Starbucks Gets a Make-over, Lobby Shrinks

    Older Starbucks Gets a Make-over, Lobby Shrinks


    If you hadn’t realized, one of the older Starbucks in town closed down for a few weeks. The one adjacent to AT&T store near Home Depot located on Avenue 16 & Hwy 99. At first with a newer Starbucks opening on the other side of town, there was the possibility that maybe it was closing…

  • The Seventh Starbucks is Here

    The Seventh Starbucks is Here


    As I write this post, I take a few pauses in between my keystrokes to sip on my hot Americano that I picked up a few minutes before from the newly opened Starbucks at the corner of Madera Ave and Ave 13. Its actual address being 1451 Madera Ave. This marks the seventh Starbucks in…

  • Garage Sales and Yard Sales in Madera

    Garage Sales and Yard Sales in Madera

    Yard sales or garage sales, or however you decide to call them, can be a great way to get rid of your junk while making a few dollars. Or from a different perspective, a way to de-clutter your space and offload some of the things that are just accumulating dust. At the same time, it…

  • The Abandoned Madera Athletic Gym Building Where Many Once Burned Calories, Burns Down

    The Abandoned Madera Athletic Gym Building Where Many Once Burned Calories, Burns Down

    On the night of October 29th, 2020, some of the residents living in the northwest part of town were disturbed by the smell of smoke, and the sound of crackling sounds followed by sirens of firefighter trucks thereafter. The building that once housed an athletic gym, at the corner of Sunset Ave and Orchard Ave,…

  • Book Exchange Boxes in Madera

    Book Exchange Boxes in Madera

    Are you looking for a book exchange box in Madera, California? If so, then you’ve come to the right place. In case you don’t know what a book exchange box is, it’s basically a box or shelf placed at a location for people to drop off their old books and pick up books previously left…

  • I’ll Cut To The Chase (Bank)…

    I’ll Cut To The Chase (Bank)…

    As of now there are two Chase Bank branches, one located at 233 E. Yosemite Ave. and the other on Cleveland Ave. next to Walmart shopping center. The one near Walmart is the newer branch of the two. However, on November 14, 2019 the Yosemite Ave. branch will be closing it’s door for good, so…

  • It’s About to Get a Bit More Starbuck-ier Around Here

    It’s About to Get a Bit More Starbuck-ier Around Here


    I was suppose to write about this topic a few weeks back, but instead I’ve been busy working on other things. Before I continue, can you guess from where have I been working on these other said things? If you guessed from a Starbucks, then you deserve a high five and a cup of Joe…

  • Another Day, Another Dollar Tree Store

    Another Day, Another Dollar Tree Store

    Get your dollar bills ready, the third Dollar Tree store is set to be opening soon. At the time of this writing it looks like they’re hiring so that means it’s only a matter of weeks until they open there doors. The other current Dollar Tree stores are located near Lowe’s on Cleveland Ave. and…

  • Downtown Before and Now

    Downtown Before and Now

    As I continued to browse through the Madera County EDC’s Pinterest account as mentioned in the previous blog post I saw other really cool photos of downtown Madera. I found an old photograph, I am unsure of the date, but it looks like it was taken sometime in the 1950’s or 1960’s, nonetheless during this…

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