Rocket being launched

MaderaLoop has launched!

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It was July 16, 1969 when Neil Armstrong along with Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin got into their space suits and boarded the Apollo spacecraft. Filled with uncertainty and excitement, they buckled down and readied for takeoff. Shortly, the countdown began and dwindled down to “five, four, three, two, one, zero” with the force, the spacecraft started to rattle. “All engines running, lift off, we have a lift off,” said the announcer and off to the moon they were.

It has been over forty nine years since then, and today we are making history once again alas in a much (much, much, much) smaller scale and sans a spacecraft. Today, August 9th, 2018, after weeks of preparation we are officially launching MaderaLoop! Hooray! And in case you were wondering, we also did a symbolic countdown right before hitting the publish button for this post. We just had to!

We won’t be getting to the moon any time soon (the top of the iconic Madera water tower is more realistic), but the Apollo launch and the MaderaLoop launch share similarities in the sense that there is uncertainty on how things will pan out for MaderaLoop, but at the same time it is an exciting journey to embark on. Here is what we do know: we want to make MaderaLoop a place where anyone can share their thoughts, discoveries, and ideas about the city of Madera.

We just want to keep everyone in the loop (hence our name, yes clever — we know). For example, there are many times you drive by somewhere in the city only to realize there’s a new business that just opened, or permanently closed for that matter. Sometimes you’ll drive by a large piece of land and notice the bulldozers working it and then wonder, what are they building there? Some people know the answer to such questions. But it’s not only about satisfying your curiosity to know about what’s going on. We also want anyone to share great stories about Madera, what you like about it and what could be improved. Perhaps share some of the hidden gems. You catch our drift.

With that said, we really hope you enjoy reading the upcoming articles. We invite you to share your own experiences and ideas relating to Madera on the MaderaLoop blogging platform. Thank you in advance for your readership and happy readings!

One last thing before you go, don’t forget to subscribe to get notified when we post new material!


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