The new lobby for the remodeled Starbucks on Ave 16 & Hwy 99 stocked with coffee products and appliances.

Older Starbucks Gets a Make-over, Lobby Shrinks

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If you hadn’t realized, one of the older Starbucks in town closed down for a few weeks. The one adjacent to AT&T store near Home Depot located on Avenue 16 & Hwy 99. At first with a newer Starbucks opening on the other side of town, there was the possibility that maybe it was closing down for good. But no – it was just getting a make-over!

The counter display filled with pastries and other products of the remodeled Starbucks on Ave 16 & Hwy 99.
The new counter area.

It is finally opened again and is back in business, though, with a new modern look and layout.

This Starbucks and the one by Town & Country park had been the ones with the largest lobby areas in Madera, with ample indoor seating. It was perfect for meetings and studying. Sadly, that’s no longer the case for the Starbucks on Ave 16 & Hwy 99. Like many newer Starbucks around the country the lobby areas are shrinking and the Starbucks’ lobby on Avenue 16 & Hwy 99 was not spared.

Booth seating, table, and chair with artwork in the back wall.
Only three tables available for sitting, pictured is one of the three tables available.

So what’s different? Well, the bar stool area next to the north window has been completely walled off. The large conference-like table that ran down the middle, gone! The high table tops on the east side of the build also gone. There are only three small tables and that’s it! The kitchen area was expanded outward and the two bathrooms reduced to just one.

Sadly if you’re looking for a place to study or hold meetings, this Starbucks is no longer ideal. Though if you only did mobile orders or drive-thru then the remodel will have no impact on your Starbucks addiction.

As a resident of Madera, I wish we had other spots in the city were we could go lounge and have some caffeinated drinks while we study, do remote work, or meet up with people. The only remaining other places I can think of that has food and ample seating is the Starbucks next to Town & Country Park on Schnoor and the pizza and cake shop, Jill & Jill.


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