Category: News

  • The Abandoned Madera Athletic Gym Building Where Many Once Burned Calories, Burns Down

    The Abandoned Madera Athletic Gym Building Where Many Once Burned Calories, Burns Down

    On the night of October 29th, 2020, some of the residents living in the northwest part of town were disturbed by the smell of smoke, and the sound of crackling sounds followed by sirens of firefighter trucks thereafter. The building that once housed an athletic gym, at the corner of Sunset Ave and Orchard Ave,…

  • MaderaLoop has launched!

    MaderaLoop has launched!

    It was July 16, 1969 when Neil Armstrong along with Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin got into their space suits and boarded the Apollo spacecraft. Filled with uncertainty and excitement, they buckled down and readied for takeoff. Shortly, the countdown began and dwindled down to “five, four, three, two, one, zero” with the force, the…