Madera Info Business Directory Subscription is the official home of one of the largest and friendliest Facebook group in the city of Madera, California — MaderaINFOrmed.

With thousands of group members often looking for services in the City of Madera, this will be the go-to business directory for customers ready to pay for your services.

List your business on for as low as $3.98/month and get access to tens of thousands of Maderans and extra exposure on MaderaINFOrmed group. Cancel anytime!


Base Listing $3.98/month
A business listing includes your business name, business address, business phone, tagline, and a category of your choice.

Available Add-ons
In addition to a Base Listing, you can choose extra add-ons to further enhance your business listing at an additional cost.

Website Link Add-on $1.98/month
Add your official website (not social media)

Social Media Links Add-on $2.98/month
Add your Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok pages.

More Categories Add-on $0.98/category/month
List your business in extra categories. Maximum of 5.

Sign ups are coming soon! For now enjoy complimentary listing. PROMO: For the month of April 2024 all fees are waived! $0 cost to get listed.

Example Template

Business Name [required]

License # [optional, if industry requires license number, highly encouraged to include it]

Business Address: [free optional address]

Business Phone:
(559) 555-5555 [optional]

Website(no social media): [optional add-on]

Social Media: 
Facebook | Instagram | Tiktok [optional add-on]

Tagline: [optional 25 word max tagline]

Category [base price includes business listed in 1 category. Up to 5 categories can be added as add-on.]

Current available categories to choose from are: 
Landscaping, Cleaning, Wash & Detailing, Construction, Mechanic, Electrician, Plumbing, Heating & Cooling, Pest Control, Photography, Party Rentals, Catering, Restaurant, Taxes, Notary, Custom Cakes, Make-up Artists, Barbers, Beauty Salons, Nail Technicians & Salons, Pet Groomers, Technology, Real Estate, and Fitness. More to come!
  • We deserved the right to deny any business from being listed.
  • You must cancel before the next billing cycle begins, we do not prorate unused days.