Madera INFOrmed Facebook Group

At the end of 2019 the Madera INFOrmed Facebook group was created with the intention of sharing exciting and not-so-exciting updates with all fellow Maderans. It was a simple and effective way to share what was going around the city. Over the years it has continued to grow.

Today it continues to be the premier group for friendly and collaborative discussions on what’s happening in the city of Madera, California! All possible thanks to the many active members and by adopting group rules to ensure quality.

Come join us!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why was my post declined?

We have many rules for moderation, some that are unwritten that are used to keep the group useful, clean, and informative. For each post many factors may contribute to it be declined. If your post gets declined read over the following list. Please do not contact the Moderators as your messages will likely go unread, sorry!

If your post:

  1. mentions State or national politics
  2. attempts to push political or religious beliefs onto others
  3. is about the same topic over and over, either is similar to one that was recently posted by you or someone else
  4. contains inflammatory content, name calling, or vulgar references
  5. contains possible slander or not enough evidence that is not beyond unreasonable doubt. For urgent matters contact local news outlet or the local authorities.
  6. contains items for sale, absolutely not selling!
  7. contains food being sold from your home.
  8. promotes a business excessively, only promote once a week.
  9. promotes a business without a physical presence or contract license number.
  10. mentions pets of popular breeds that you are “rehoming”. Please consider adopting or contacting the local animal shelter.
  11. is outdated, old, or no longer relevant.
  12. contains personal information of others.
  13. contains links to suspicious websites.
  14. obscured and secretive “job” posts.