What’s happening Madera?

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  • Long Before it was Maria’s Taco Shop

    Long Before it was Maria’s Taco Shop


    A few months ago (actually many months ago, as you’ll read later) , I came across Madera County EDC’s Pinterest and while browsing through their saved pins I found some really cool stuff. I felt like I had discovered a little secret stash of Madera’s history. I was fascinated to see so many old photographs…

  • More Storage Space Coming Soon

    More Storage Space Coming Soon

    After years of being nothing, but an empty lot with a thriving weed ecosystem, the land on 905 South Knox Street is finally being put to use. Just recently it broke ground and the machinery began to arrive. The earth is being moved around and the foundation is being laid out. It is the future…

  • Another BBQ Restaurant is Coming

    Another BBQ Restaurant is Coming


    Madera currently has a couple BBQ options. There is Players Smoked BBQ, Petrucci’s BBQ Pit towards the edge of town, and then there’s Full-O Bull, if you want to consider that a BBQ place. For a town this size, I think that’s pretty good amount. However, soon we’ll be adding to the list. It has…

  • Best Places in Madera for Craft Beers 2018

    Best Places in Madera for Craft Beers 2018


    It is evident that there is a growing trend amongst craft beers. In fact, in the past five years the number of breweries in the U.S. have more than double! [1] Even with their popularity on the rise, they’re not readily available due to the nature of the business. Usually restaurants and bars prefer to…

  • Gone Fishing, Long John Silver’s Has Closed Forever

    Gone Fishing, Long John Silver’s Has Closed Forever


    I just couldn’t resist the pun in the headline, but you read that correctly, Long John Silver’s (LJS) has officially closed its doors — again, and apparently this time forever. If you were a fan, be prepare to hit the road when you get a craving. The sign posted in front of their store reads:…

  • MaderaLoop has launched!

    MaderaLoop has launched!

    It was July 16, 1969 when Neil Armstrong along with Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin got into their space suits and boarded the Apollo spacecraft. Filled with uncertainty and excitement, they buckled down and readied for takeoff. Shortly, the countdown began and dwindled down to “five, four, three, two, one, zero” with the force, the…

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